I have to admit it – I failed this 30-day blogging challenge. I couldn’t keep it consistent and write one blog post every single day. There were other things I had to do, but hey, I am not gonna lie here. I want to be completely transparent and keep myself accountable. After my regular work hours, I just came home, spent some time with the kids, did some work on my clients, and then watched YouTube till I was falling asleep.
Nevertheless, I am not giving up, and I continue the series as I am sitting in front of Temple Street Eatery cafe waiting for it to open. You lose only when you give up doing something and I don’t plan to give up posting. I have 26 blog posts to go to see what will happen to my website.
And by the way, I have something interesting to share with you:
On the graph above you can see that there a huge spike in Impressions that has just taken place in Google Search Console. What are the Impressions according to Google?
So here is what I think has happened.
Let’s look at the crawl results:
As you can see, Googlebot was crawling my website at its regular pace. Then on April 1st, there was I huge spike in pages crawled because I started posting at a much higher frequency than Googlebot used to see on my website. This resulted in a signal from Googlebot to Google to pay more attention to my website and push more pages into Google index. The spike in pages crawled happened on April 1st, and the spike in total impressions took place on the next day, April 2nd.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that there are more keywords in the search results right now that my website shows up for (233 keywords total) than it used to be.
So are you up for a challenge? Here is some information. In short: I encourage you to write and post one article on your website every day for 30 days straight on the topic of your expertise. There are multiple benefits to doing that. Read more about it in the original post. Additionally, amplify the content you create by sharing it on social networks with hashtag #30dayblogchallenge. If you support this idea feel free to get in touch with me on Instagram and on Twitter.
What would you like me to write the next post about? Please, let me know.
I have a few options I am considering:
- Books on Marketing and Business I’ve read and recommend
- What is Artificial Intelligence, my experience working with it and how I apply it in SEO today
- …. (please add your topics, topics that are interesting to you)